Things to know

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You only repay us from the songwriting royalties we account to you. We will never ask you to repay us from any money that we don’t account to you.
We do not get involved or interfere with your music or creativity. It’s purely a business arrangement on reasonable terms, we pay you cash and we collect your royalties – cash & collection, that’s all we do, pure and simple.
From the royalties we collect, we take 35% and account 65% to you. Where we undertake any additional work by agreement with you, such as trying to secure placements in film and TV, we operate a 50/50 split.
(a) have a valid bank account.
(b) up to 3 years royalty statements.
(c) copies of 3rd party agreements (if your songs are signed to a record/publishing company).
(d) be at least 18 years old.
We may still be able to make you an offer depending on the term of the deal you currently have. Please contact us with details of the agreement and we will advise you.
We will make a reasonable estimate of the possible earnings, based on what we think of the track(s) and who is releasing it.
We become the publisher until your earnings have paid back the amount we advanced you and any further amounts we may agree to you, following which we will continue to publish your songs for a further period to enable us to make a reasonable return on the deal; after this period, you can give us reasonable notice to end the deal if you wish to, but we hope that our good service will make you happy to stay with us.

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